Foreign Minister Tsahkna met with Ranking Republican Member of the US Senate Foreign Relations Committee Jim Risch

Foreign Minister Tsahkna met with Ranking Republican Member of the US Senate Foreign Relations Committee Jim Risch

Today 28 October, Foreign Minister Margus Tsahkna met with Jim Risch, Ranking Republican Member of the US Senate’s Committee on Foreign Relations, discussing the defence and security cooperation between Estonia and the United States, and military and political support for Ukraine.

Tsahkna said Estonia was committed to cooperating with the USA to further strengthen NATO’s Eastern Flank and ensure that NATO can successfully meet all challenges.

“This year, Estonia is contributing more than 3% of GDP to defence because in the current security situation, it is clear that the level of defence spending agreed among NATO Allies up until now is not sufficient,” Tsahkna said. “To reinforce NATO’s defence and deterrence posture, all Allies need to invest more in defence.”

Speaking about Russia’s aggression against Ukraine, Tsahkna emphasised that Ukraine’s victory and holding Russia to account would ensure lasting peace, security and prosperity on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean.

Tsahkna said it was crucial to ensure that Ukraine received military assistance that would allow it to fight the aggressor on the battlefield, but support to Ukraine on its path to NATO was equally necessary.

Yesterday, Senator Risch joined Secretary General of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Jonatan Vseviov on a visit to Estonia’s border in Narva.

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