Opening of the Estonian Honorary Consulate in Vordingborg

The Ambassador of the Republic of Estonia to Denmark Mr. Märt Volmer has the pleasure of opening the Estonian Honorary Consulate in Vordingborg on Thursday, 12 September 2019 and you are invited!

Our brand new Honorary Consul Mr. Filip Dalthur Rasmussen is looking forward to seeing you all in Præstø (Stavreby Strandvej 4) on Thursday, 12 September from 14.00 to 17.00.

Mr. Filip Rasmussen is the CEO of Jungshoved Præstegaard, his family driven seaside hotel, as well as a consultant within business development for a larger energy company DLG Øst. Filip has worked with and within Estonia for more than 20 years, mainly in the fields of tourism, agro culture and developing collaborations between Denmark and Estonia. Filip is passionate about anything with relation to Estonia. Namely creating relations between Denmark and Estonia has been one of his major interests for the past decade.