Parliamentary elections 2019 in Estonia

The election day in Estonia was 3rd of March 2019.


According to the preliminary data, 63,1% of the total number of voters voted in the Riigikogu elections. More detailed information: In the Riigikogu elections of 2015, voter turnout was 64.2%.


346,395 voters took part in the advance poll of Riigikogu election. 247,232 voted electronically. 99,163 voters voted in a polling station. This means that 39,3% of the voters took part in the advance poll. Internet voting set a record, 186,034 voters voted electronically in local elections two years ago.

Detailed information is available at:


The share of the i-voters has been steadily growing. One third of the participating voters cast their vote online. I-voting was first introduced during the local elections of 2005. Statistics about i-voting history and results: